Everything You Need To Know So You Can Practice Safe Voting

VoterVirgin is dedicated to helping you practice safe voting: Know your rights (protect yourself), know who you are giving your vote to, and prepare yourself with knowledge. The first time should be special! Curious? Ask us anything info@votervirgin.com

Monday, August 02, 2004

VoterVirgin 101

There are 28 million potential VoterVirgins is the US today (maybe more!) and most of them don't even know thay are VoterVirgins (yet)

VoterVirgin: (noun) One who is qualified to vote but has not yet exercised their right to do so. VoterVirgins come in all colors, shapes, and sizes. What they have in common is being US citizens at least 18 years old.

Also Reinstated VoterVirgin: One who has voted in the past, yet abstained in recent national elections, and wants to reclaim their VoterVirgin-ity.

VoterVirgin is based on the idea that we respect you enough to create a P-free zone: No preaching. No political parties. And no pundits. We believe that you are an adult and capable of making your own wise decisions. VoterVirgin is here to provide information and celebrate your first to vote.

We believe the first time should be special. You should be fully informed and prepared, and we encourage you to "practice safe voting" (know how to protect yourself, know who you are doing 'it' with). There should be no shame in voting for the first time no matter how old you are or how long you have strayed from the polls. While some get out the vote groups use celebrity-power to motivate new voters, VoterVirgin believes YOU are the celebrity in this year's election. This is all about embracing and the creative, passionate, opinionated, diverse people that we are and empowering everyone to vote.

You are a choosing to vote at an exciting time. New voters have the opportunity to swing this election and be a powerful force in the direction of the future. It's not so much what the candidates are saying to you, it's what are you saying to the candidates! Participation could be at an all time high in the 2004 elections. Whether your candidate wins or loses, you will be part of history if you decide to vote in this November.

More to come: Stay tuned, our next post gives you the resources to explore what you believe and how that transforms into an informed vote.


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