Everything You Need To Know So You Can Practice Safe Voting

VoterVirgin is dedicated to helping you practice safe voting: Know your rights (protect yourself), know who you are giving your vote to, and prepare yourself with knowledge. The first time should be special! Curious? Ask us anything info@votervirgin.com

Tuesday, August 17, 2004

Voter Issue: Should Voting Be Natural?

Does a voter do it in the woods? Maybe, maybe not, but one thing most Americans agree on is protecting those woods (and the wetlands, and the wildlife, and the air we breathe). The EPA was created by Richard NIxon (a Republican) but 2 out of 3 Americans believe the Democrats do a better job of defending the environment. Whether or not the environment is a top priority is up to you, but really, like Smokey the Bear would say, you and only you can prevent forest fires....

Where do you stand on the earth?

According to the League of Conservation Voters, 82% of Americans said that they worry personally about pollution of drinking water, rivers, lakes and reservoirs. Who wants to put dirty water in their mouth? Eeewwwww.

The Sierra Club compares the records of Bush and Kerry on environmental issues but they are often percieved as "left-leaning" (a lovely fun bunch of creative activists, really) so we thought it only fair to include a conservative counterpoint

As the earth issues continue to spin, you might just want to get scientific about it, check out the Center for International Earth Science Information Network or get literal with at about.com and their helpful environmental library of environmental issues and resources.

Chances are, a lot of voters will be feeling green when they go to vote this fall. It's not easy being green, at least if you are a frog in love with a pig and you have someone's hand stuck up your .....but it should be easy to be informed.

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next post: Get thee to the polling place!


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