Everything You Need To Know So You Can Practice Safe Voting

VoterVirgin is dedicated to helping you practice safe voting: Know your rights (protect yourself), know who you are giving your vote to, and prepare yourself with knowledge. The first time should be special! Curious? Ask us anything info@votervirgin.com

Sunday, September 26, 2004

Seducing Voters: How Not To Be Denied

We all know a handful of voter hold outs (those who will not even register to vote) and you may well be frustrated in your efforts to be sure that Everybody's Doin' It In '04. There is so much energy and excitement that the grassroots are tingling all over with anticipation to see what will happen. Why anyone who can vote is not stepping up in this historic election is just hard to imagine, but not impossible to cure.

There is nothing more liberating than expressing yourself. However, the voter hold out in your world may not respond to the ideas of duty, democracy, and civic responsibility. They may in fact need to be "massaged" before they are willing to practice safe voting in November. That's ok, because anyone can learn to get the voters they desire with a few simple tools.

You Catch More Voters With Honey:
As in "Hey, honey are you free on Tuesday, November 2nd? I think you and I could make beautiful democracy together. What do you say? Can you schedule in a little afternoon vote?" Lay off the preaching and the pressure and lay on a lot of irresistable charm. If you want your friends to flirt with voting, try flirting with them. Trust me, if they would respond to pressure, they would already be registered.

Don't Neglect the Wallflowers:
Everyone goes after the extroverted hottie, but who is lavishing attention on that sweet, quiet beauty in the corner? A hidden gem of a voter might be right under your nose and you don't even know it. Be sure not to assume everyone has been asked to dance in this election. And be gentle, that wallflower might be quietly hoping no one will ask them to register to vote because they are nervous about the first time. Start with a smile, be patient, and see if you can bring them out of their shell in time for the election.

Be Prepared:
Having an actual voter registration card in your hand or catching that hold out online (where they can access the necessary form) is key to seizing the moment. Stick a few registration cards in your wallet or purse, so when the time is right you will have the tool within your reach. The VoterVirgin Register to Vote link will even print out a postage paid envelope to mail your form in. A prepared motivator is more likely to achieve the desired goal.
*Note: new voters need to include a copy of their ID with the registration form. You can make copies, right?

Keep Your Promises:
If you promise to follow up with a potential voter, do it! The object of your attention may need more information on candidates, polling places, or rules. Never assume they will get this votal information from another source. If you are going to embrace a handful of new voters, you must act responsibly or they will be turned off and your reputation will suffer. Take the VoterVirgin Pledge together and commit to voting together in November.

Advocate Safe Voting Practices:
Being voter-active means acting responsibly, but that does not mean it has to be boring. Safe voting means knowing who you are giving your vote to and knowing how to protect yourself at the polls. Learning how to do this can make you giggle. Check out the VoterVirgin " Everything You Need To Know To Practice Safe Voting" blog and share this with your friends. It will take the mystery out of voting and make you smile at the same time.

If All Else Fails Try the "What If?":
"What if suddenly on November 2nd you really really really want to vote, but you can't because you didn't register?"
"What if between now and the election one of these candidates/issues becomes important to you?"
"What if your grandchildren ask you who you voted for in 2004?"
"What if your mother asks who you voted for?"
"What if that hot crush of yours only dates voters?"
"What if voting is the cure for apathyitis and you miss the election?"

Registration deadlines start as early as October 4th! You might have only a few days left to seduce the potential voter in your community!

So get out there tiger and charm the pants off those voter hold outs!


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