Everything You Need To Know So You Can Practice Safe Voting

VoterVirgin is dedicated to helping you practice safe voting: Know your rights (protect yourself), know who you are giving your vote to, and prepare yourself with knowledge. The first time should be special! Curious? Ask us anything info@votervirgin.com

Tuesday, September 14, 2004

Willing Partners: Questions About Voluntary Participation

A few readers have asked about volunteering in the 2004 election. Many people feel compelled to participate at a deeper level in this year's election. Voluntary participation is a beautiful thing. Willing partners in your community have opportunities for you to explore your role in our democracy. Here are a few ways you can join in on the fun:

Campaign Headquarters: Party headquarters and local campaign offices will take you in and put you to work today! You could be making phone calls, sealing envelopes, knocking on doors surrounded by like minded people. Ever wonder what the inner workings of a campaign looks like? This is your foot in the door.

Be Locally Official: You, yes, you (!) can be an offical election polling place worker. Worried about your community being turned away from the polls? What if you were sitting behind the table? Local county officials will train you and put you to work at the polls. See your local county election official for details. Rules vary by state.

An Eye On The Prize: If you prefer to work outside the official system and feel compelled to observe the election, two words: Election Protection.

Mobilize The Masses: If everyone that voted in 2000 took one new voter to the polls, we would have 100% participation. If you register just one person to vote, you are doing your part. Buddy up with some friends and get your vote on. Be sure your friends are prepared to practice safe voting and have some fun getting ready. You can also volunteer to drive voters to the polls on election day (check with the county political party of your choice).

If you are curious about elections and plan to be voter-active, find an evening or a Saturday afternoon and seek out a willing partner in your community. Part of practicing safe voting is knowing who you are giving your vote to. An hour or two licking stamps in the office will give you time to get acquainted in a relaxed environment. If you are seeking a more civic relationship, get thee to the polls and help others avoid that dreaded VRE (Voter Rejection Experience).

Your participation as a responsible voter is key to the health of you and your democracy. And who knows, maybe you will get a cool t-shirt or two out of the deal.


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