Everything You Need To Know So You Can Practice Safe Voting

VoterVirgin is dedicated to helping you practice safe voting: Know your rights (protect yourself), know who you are giving your vote to, and prepare yourself with knowledge. The first time should be special! Curious? Ask us anything info@votervirgin.com

Friday, October 15, 2004

What To Expect the First Time

Straight up, here is what it might be like when you go to vote.

Find Your Poll: Time To Start Dancing!: We think of it as voting, but really it's getting "polled". That's why they call the place we go vote a polling place. A polling place can be any place that is open to the public: a grocery store, a neighbor's garage, a library, maybe the local swimming pool. And the locations can change! You might be able to early vote in one place, but need to vote on election day at another place. Get a map and get thee to a polling place people!

First Impressions: You can recognize a polling place by all the campaign signs placed exactly as close to the door as legally allowed. There might be a line. If you are voting on November 2nd, the best time to avoid a line is between 10:30 AM and 2:30 PM. Voting can take less than 5 minutes (you could wait longer at Burger King). There may also be pollsters (people who want to ask you questions after you vote) and election watchers (fair voting advocates). NO ONE IS ALLOWED TO INTIMIDATE YOU AT THE POLLS. Please talk to the official election supervisor on site or their supervisor etc if you believe anyone is trying to intimidate voters at your polling place. We want everyone to feel safe and free to vote.

When You Walk In: It is normal to feel a little tingly all over the first time. Your hands might sweat. You could have a temporary brain freeze or get unnaturally tongue tied. Not to worry. You are in good hands (we hope). Do not hesitate to get answers to any questions you might have. It's better to know than to say "Doh!". You should expect be asked to produce photo identification by official election workers.

Are you protected? Do you know your rights as a voter? You must be clear on what is allowed and not allowed under the law so you do not have an unwanted voter rejection-experience (VRE). Help spread awareness of preventing VREs to your friends and family by downloading the Voters Bill of Rights for your state where available(rules may vary in some states). A VRE can be devestating to the health of you and your democracy. Let's do everything we can to avoid an VRE.

Methods For Doin 'It: You might be doing it electronically. If you are reading this online, you are capable of using an electronic voting machine. Some places uses scantrons (pencil in the bubble) or lever machines. If you use a method and it does not work for you, you can request another ballot. Just be sure you don't complete before asking for a substitute. It's important to ask for help if you want a re-do.

Rewards for Voting: Are illegal under US law, however, if you are lucky, not only will you have a satisfied smile on your face, but you might just get a cool "I Voted" sticker.

Inner peace is a beautiful thing, so we invite you to Hey You! Haiku! A simple way to stay zen this election season (and win cash prizes).


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